White Tea

What is White Tea? Simply put, it's an immature tea leaf. It is the least processed form of tea, and has a naturally light and sweet flavor. White tea is lower in caffeine, high in antioxidants. White tea is also great in flavored blends.

Top mound picture of The Whistling Kettle Sparkling Raspberry Wine white tea with cornflower petals.

Sparkling Raspberry Wine
White Tea

Rating: 4.94 out of 5
from 17 reviews

A sophisticated selection of white tea, red raspberries, and natural champagne flavors make this ...

Regular $4.00 - $85.00
from $0.15 per serving
Top mound picture of The Whistling Kettle Sparkling Raspberry Wine white tea with cornflower petals. Glass of brewed Sparkling Raspberry Wine next to Gold Tea Scoop filled with Sparkling Raspberry Wine loose leaf tea. Side mound picture of The Whistling Kettle Sparkling Raspberry Wine white tea with cornflower petals. Sparkling Raspberry Wine tea in 1lb and 3oz bags

Sparkling Raspberry Wine

Product information

A sophisticated selection of white tea, red raspberries, and natural champagne flavors make this tea a fine choice. Fruity and floral notes mingle with delicate white tea for a light and fragrant c... more...


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