Earl Grey Teas

Earl Grey Tea is traditionally a black tea flavored with Bergamot, part of the orange family, which lends a nice citrus flavor. We offer a several versions of Earl Grey blends from traditional, cream and even fruit infused Russian style.

Top mound picture of The Whistling Kettle Earl Grey black tea with bergamot and cornflowers, loose leaf and brewed.

Earl Grey
Black Tea

Rating: 4.92 out of 5
from 26 reviews

Oil of bergamot and fine black tea give Earl Grey tea its distinctive flavor. Charles Grey, a Bri...

Regular $3.00 - $33.00
from $0.14 per serving
Top mound picture of The Whistling Kettle Earl Grey black tea with bergamot and cornflowers, loose leaf and brewed. Brewed Earl Grey being poured into Ceramic Bird's Egg Travel Mug.

Earl Grey

Product information

Oil of bergamot and fine black tea give Earl Grey tea its distinctive flavor. Charles Grey, a British Earl and Prime Minister in the 1800s, was the first to popularize this blend. He served his sig... more...


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Buckingham Palace Earl Grey tea, loose leaf and brewed.

Buckingham Palace Earl Grey
Black & Green Tea

Rating: 4.97 out of 5
from 31 reviews

Earl grey tea has been a staple amongst the British aristocracy ever since Charles Grey (a Britis...

Regular $3.00 - $31.00
from $0.12 per serving
Buckingham Palace Earl Grey tea, loose leaf and brewed. Cup & Saucer filled with brewed Buckingham Palace Earl Grey tea.

Buckingham Palace Earl Grey

Product information

Earl grey tea has been a staple amongst the British aristocracy ever since Charles Grey (a British Earl) popularized it in the 1800s. It was served to all his most distinguished guests, with proper... more...


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Decaf Earl Grey tea, loose leaf and brewed.

Decaf Earl Grey
Black Tea

Rating: 4.68 out of 5
from 22 reviews

It's 8 o'clock at night and you crave that classic Earl Grey flavor. Not to worry, this decaf ble...

Regular $4.00 - $59.00
from $0.24 per serving
Decaf Earl Grey tea, loose leaf and brewed. Cup of Decaf Earl Grey on top of mound of Decaf Earl Grey loose leaf tea.

Decaf Earl Grey

Product information

It's 8 o'clock at night and you crave that classic Earl Grey flavor. Not to worry, this decaf blend has all the rich bergamot and black tea flavors without the caffeine thanks to a CO2 decaffeinati... more...


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